Lontananza series
His most recent project encompases a 50+ photography series presented in different fragments. The first one, Lontananza sublime deals with a selection of images that reflect on being alone in an island faraway from everything.
The second fragment, Hatsuyume (初夢) was curated by Angélica Mercado and Juan Carlos Rodríguez (Inside Remoto) for MargenFest Image Festival in which the melancholic aspect of longing and wanting to belong inter played with the anguish and lonely vision of Jane Lovelace while contrasting his use of colour with her use of black and white while living in Okinawa in different moments without ever meeting and yet finding the same beauty.
The third fragment explores the melancholic sense of waking up in a dreamlike island as the self perception is lost by fuzzy memories of a lost dream.

Photobooks and publications
Alex has been a guest in the Inside Remoto group, his photos have been published in the collective art photobooks Nodos (2023) and iD (2024).
He also has a feature section about his life in Okinawa in the storytelling and photography magazine Tokidoki Hyakusho No.4 (Nara, 2024).
His seminal project, Cianoptero: Enthomological transformations is a performative series of nude self-portraits representing the developmental stages of an imaginary creature, hence the name ringing like a real insect order (spelled in it’s Spanish form from the greco-latin root Cyan-blue and Pteros-wing, blue-winged bug).
In this series, the male figure is transformed into a death-rebirth cycle (egg, pupae, larva instar I, larva instar II, adult) trying to drive away from the standardized male nude representation and embracing the idea of insects as mysterious shapeshifting creatures.
This project was part of the 2020 official selection of the Tokyo Intenational Photography Awards (TIFA).

Talk to me
Have any questions or comments? I’m always open to talk about new projects, creative opportunities and creating a photographic community.