Artist profile

Alex Alonso

is a photographer and biologist from Oaxaca, Mexico. In 2018 he started his formal visual education in the Luis Buñuel Veracruzana Film School in Xalapa, Mexico and then continued studying in the Imago Visual Arts Institute (2023, Mexico City). 

In 2020 his seminal project, Cianoptero: Entomological Transformations, was part of the Tokyo International Photography Awards Official Selection. His most recent work, Lontananza sublime, was exhibited in the Quebranto exhibition (Mexico, May, 2024); and in Hatsuyume, a curated selection by the MargenFest International Image Festival organizing committee (Mexico, Nov 2024). He’s also published in the collective art photobook Nodos (Mexico, 2022) and iD (Mexico, 2024) edited by Inside Remoto and in the photography magazine Tokidoki Hyakusho (Nara, Japan, Nov 2024). 

His artwork includes pinhole photographs that have been exhibited as part of the Semana estenopeica (Mexico, 2019, 20, 21) and are currently part of the travelling collective exhibition of the Exhibición internacional de fotografía estenopeica (Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico, 2024).

His work is inspired and influenced by naturalistic elements, accented by a melancholic and expressive use of the photographic image, exploring the landscape and body as territory and dream-like concepts using both digital and classical photographic techniques, including his own pinhole camera design and alternate printing techniques.

Contact me

Have any questions or comments? I´m always open to talk about new projects, creative opportunities and creating a photographic community.